News from the School

Christmas Productions and Merry Christmas from all the Staff | December 20, 2024

This week the children performed their Christmas productions for the parents. All three shows, EYFS, KS1, and KS2’s where both varied and wonderful. Below we have a selection of photos and a video from the performances, and our teachers will send you all the respective links to each photo album through our Seesaw Platform.

That’s it for this term and we’d like to wish you all a wonderful happy Christmas and holiday break.

See you all in 2025!

Merry Christmas from the staff at RAPS.

Our Brand New Friday Flyer | October 2, 2024

You may have noticed that our branding has changed. We have a brand new logo and with it, other things around school will change to bring all the branding into line. This will include a new school website coming soon. For now you can look at our new Friday Flyer, bringing you the same school news and goings on, but in a new design. Miss Mckinney has been working hard on this, so we hope you all like it. In this weeks flyer you can read about a new baby announcement, information about this years clubs and school photograph. These and much more. Happy reading!

Sunderland Athletics Finals 2024 | May 13, 2024

Two teams from year 3 and 4 participated in the Sunderland Athletics Finals.

They competed in four events, the 50m sprint, the 400m run, the standing long jump and a howler throw. All of the children showed determination to achieve their best times and distances to gain as many points as they could for their team.

Well done to Kyle, Zayan, Ismail, Aleeza, Aila, Saarah and Holly from Year 3, and Aiyaz, Lawk, Adrian, Yunus, Akif, Juhari, Rajaa, Alessia and Sophie from Year 4.

VIPs at SAFC | April 24, 2024

Mr Spoors, Aadil, Ade, Ethan, Jamie, Keyaan, Luca, Riyadh, Saiba, Yaseen, Xzander and myself enjoyed a fabulous VIP experience at the Stadium of Light during the holiday. We were gifted a special VIP box in which to watch the match which was SAFC V Bristol City – we could certainly get used to the special treatment we enjoyed!

We tucked into a special menu, served to us in the VIP area, by our own waiting team. The children, Mr Spoors and I had the most brilliant time, and come kick-off at 3pm, we were ready to cheer for the team.

The children were wonderfully well behaved and polite, and we were so proud of them, as we always are.

Huge thanks to families for your support in the getting the children to and from the ground, and to our wonderful Mr Spoors for organising such a fabulous experience for the children to enjoy – which they certainly did as did I. #wearesolucky

Sunderland Hockey Champions 2024 | April 20, 2024

Two teams from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Sunderland Hockey Finals at the Raich Carter Centre.

Both teams showed fantastic teamwork, organisation and skill as they played 5 games against other schools.

Team 1 won all of their games and were eventually named as the Sunderland Hockey Champions 2024! Congratulations to Team 1 and well done and thank you to both teams for representing Richard Avenue so brilliantly.

Our Daft as a Brush Minibus | March 26, 2024

In memory of Mrs Grainger’s dad and William’s grandad, we were asked by Mrs Grainger and her mam to work with the team from Daft as a Brush to create the artwork for a brand new cancer care ambulance.

As you can see from the photographs, Y5 (then Y4) did a superb job on the ambulance which is named “Wear We Go”.

The children worked alongside Daft as Brush’s David Wilson, to map Sunderland landmarks, which linked to their Geography and art at the time. We were delighted to see the finished ambulance as it arrived here yesterday and parked on our yard – you may well have spotted it at pick-up time.

For anyone who does not know, Daft as a Brush provides cancer care, transporting patients to and from hospital, free of charge. The service involves collecting and transporting patients in a safe and comfortable environment from where they are living to where they will be having their treatment. The charity completes thousands of cancer patient journeys each year with a passionate team of hundreds of volunteers and a large fleet of ambulances.

We hope we have created a very special ambulance in Mrs Grainger’s dad’s name, and were joined by Mrs Grainger and her mam as it was unveiled for the very first time.

What a very special occasion and one which we know the children will remember.

Science Fortnight | March 25, 2024

This week and last week have been Science weeks in school. Absolutely everywhere, from nursery to Year 6, we have carried out activities following the theme of time.

The children in nursery, reception and Y1 enjoyed a visit from Captain Chemistry. Y2 were testing timers – they looked at sand timers then investigated how to make their own one minute timer using sugar and salt. In Y3, the children answered this question: ‘Which dessert melts the fastest?’ Y4 had fun investigating if different processes slow down how quickly jelly sets. Water clocks were made by Y5. The children in Y6 worked in groups to discover a way to accurately measure time.

The activities were a great success and helped to show how much the children love Science.

Many thanks to our wonderful Miss Scott and Mrs Mann for organising such fantastic science-themed weeks which we have thoroughly enjoyed.