Ofsted Report & Performance

Richard Avenue Primary is a good school. Our last Ofsted Report was on the 20th and 21st of September 2023 .

“Pupils in this school treat each other with kindness and respect. They learn and play happily together. Staff show a genuine care for pupils. They know the pupils well and work with families to meet pupils needs. This is a welcoming and inclusive school with a true community spirit.”

Ofsted Report, 2023

To read in depth about our progress you can view our last five Ofsted inspections at Ofsted’s website.

You can also read the Ofsted School Inspections – a guide for parents , which has information about why Ofsted carries out school inspections, and how schools are inspected.

Whole School Validated Data

This link will provide you with the 2023-24 validated data for the whole school alongside national benchmarks

Performance Tables

The data for the National Assessments at Key Stage 1 and 2 can be viewed against the national average as well as a more comprehensive view of the schools performance at The Department for Education . These tables include such information as year on year comparisons, exam results and progress, subject level results, absentee details and finance details among other things.