RAPS Values
What are ‘RAPS values’?
RAPS Values are a set of values, attributes and qualities that everyone should be demonstrating at RAPS. We worked with school council and ensured all pupils voices were heard when developing our values.
Our RAPS Values are:
- Manners
- Friendship
- Kindness
- Resilience
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Being a good citizen
We encourage all children to demonstrate these values at all times. We have focus weeks throughout the year to further the children’s understanding of the values and raise the profile of them.

Our children receive tokens if they demonstrate our RAPS Values and winners are then awarded in our celebration assembly. Can you show our values each day at school?
No Bystanders
In September, when we start our new school year, we all sign a no bystanders agreement . We sign the agreement to promise that we will never be a bystander to bullying and teasing language. If we hear it, we will call it out and if we can we will stop it. We make a promise to stand up for fairness and kindness in school.
Each year, the children receive a copy of our Anti-Bullying policy for pupils . This reminds children of what bullying is, who they can tell and gives information on our Anti-Bullying Team.
We have Year 6 Anti-Bullying and Equality and Diversity Ambassadors who work alongside Miss Cherrett, Mrs Mann and Mrs Grainger to develop these areas in school. They attended Sunderland’s Anti-Bullying conference in preparation for Anti-Bullying week and worked in school to plan an assembly and activities for all classes.

Anti-Bullying Week
This year’s Anti-Bullying week theme Choose Respect. The aim of this year’s theme is as follows: From playgrounds to parliament, our homes to our phones, this Anti-Bullying Week let’s ‘Choose Respect’ and bring an end to bullying which negatively impacts millions of young lives. This year, we’ll empower children and young people to not resort to bullying, even when we disagree and remind adults to lead by example, online and offline. Imagine a world where respect and kindness thrives — it’s not just a dream, it’s in the choices we make. Join us this Anti-Bullying Week and commit to ‘Choose Respect’. What will you choose? The Anti-Bullying ambassadors will be helping Miss Cherrett to design activities for each class in school to complete around this theme.

RAPS Anti-Bullying Team
There are lots of people to help with Anti-Bullying at our school. The ABT’s aim is to make sure everyone is safe and happy at our school and any bullying is immediately stopped. The ABT includes: Miss McKinney, Miss Cherrett, Mrs Robson, Miss Walker, Mr Williams, Mrs Christie and Anti-bullying Ambassadors.
Commando Joes
At Richard Avenue, we aim for our pupils to be confident, resilient individuals, ready to take on any challenges both in school and in their personal lives. We encourage our pupils to work as part of a team and support one another. These transferable skills are vital as they become ready for the next stage of their learning. We deliver the Commando Joe’s programme which supports our aims and our PE and PSHE curriculum. Commando Joe’s is one of the UK’s leading educational programmes, working on RESPECT:
- Resilience
- Empathy
- Self – Awareness
- Positivity
- Excellence
- Communication
- Teamwork.
All classes, from Early Years to Year 6, take part in Commando Joes, which is a progressive curriculum. It ensures every child is given the opportunity to develop these positive behaviours, as well as developing their confidence and self-esteem. Mr Spoors and Miss Cherrett are currently training our Year 5 Sports Leaders and Year 6 Ambassadors in Commando Joes so they can support us in delivering this to our younger children.

Charity and Fundraising
At Richard Avenue, we want all children to have a strong understanding of the world around them, their place in the world and an understanding of the people that live in it. Therefore, we believe it is important to encourage pupils to become positive and supportive members of the communities to which they belong to. Developing empathy, thinking of others and offering support are all qualities we want our pupils to develop and demonstrate.
Each year, school council work alongside their classes to elect a home charity. Our charity this year is Sunderland Food Bank. Throughout the year, we organise fund raising events to support our home charity. We also support Children In Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief and Macmillan. All of our great charity fundraising helps to encourage our pupils to be global citizens and courageous advocates who can make a difference in times of need. Take a look at the photos below to that show how we put the fun in fundraising!

Curriculum and learning
At Richard Avenue, we are committed to promoting equality and diversity. Throughout our PSHE curriculum , we learn about ‘Respecting Ourselves and Others’ and ‘Belonging to a Community’. In Key Stage 1 we learn about similarities and differences, working together cooperatively and being polite and respectful. We build upon this learning in Key Stage 2 and learn about the importance of self-respect, discussing difference sensitively, responding respectfully to a wide range of people, recognising and challenging prejudice, discrimination stereotypes and valuing diversity. Equality and diversity is at the forefront of our curriculum and is also promoted throughout our collective worship.

British Values and School Council
Our curriculum at Richard Avenue in underpinned by British Values.
We encourage democracy through pupil voice and school council. In school, we have an active school council who meet regularly with Mr Williams to plan fundraising events and to discuss ways to improve our school. School council representatives are elected by their peers in a fair and democratic way. We believe it is incredibly important for all pupils’ voices to be heard and members of our school council are proud to represent the views and opinions of their classes.