Richard Avenue Primary School prides itself on the importance of a healthy body, a healthy mind and living a healthy lifestyle. We believe that children’s physical development will strongly influence their health and opportunities throughout life.
We offer the children high quality sports provision, both in curriculum PE delivery as well as during morning break and lunchtime.
Our outdoor space includes a M.U.G.A. (multi use games area), KS1 Fitness park, a range of gym equipment, a fitness assault course, a large playing field with football goals, an outdoor play yard with basketball nets and table tennis tables, a creative dance area and an orienteering course. Children access this provision during break time, lunchtime and several other times throughout the day to promote and support physical activity.

Physical Education (PE) is timetabled for reception through to Year 6. In PE we cover a range of sports which are carefully planned to ensure a progression in skills, as children develop.
PE is delivered by a school sports coach, class teachers and specialist coaches from various sporting fields, such as dancing and football. These specialist coaches are also used to develop staff knowledge within the delivery of PE.
Swimming is also included in PE and Years 3,4 and 6 having access to weekly swimming sessions with qualified swimming instructors. Future plans are in place for more year groups to access swimming lessons. We are also working in partnership with Total Swimming to identify the importance of learning to swim and to reach out to families and our wider community.
We are keen to develop the children’s cycling abilities too, starting in Early Years with the balance ability programme. Focusing on developing their gross motor skills, Nursery and Reception children use balance bikes to build confidence, spatial – awareness, gross motor skills and balance skills that enable them to safely ride a pedal bike at the end of the programme. This progresses to KS2 children having access to the bikeability programme, which gives the children the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life.

There is also a wide selection of extra–curricular sporting activities offered at lunchtimes and after school, both clubs and competitions which are led by coaches and school staff.
In the summer term, we organise and offer a range of coaches and fitness activities as part of our sport and wellbeing week. This runs alongside our school Commonwealth Games celebration which children and staff thoroughly enjoy, and is now firmly fixed in our sporting calendar.
You can view all our sporting updates as they happen at our news section under the sports category archive.
Sport Premium
Since 2013, the government has provided funding directly to primary schools to improve provision of Physical Education (PE) and sport activities offered to pupils.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on sustainable improvements for the provision of PE and sport. Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils this year received £16,000 plus an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have the freedom to choose how they do this. At Richard Avenue, our wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong sporting tradition are just two of the things that attract families to our vibrant school therefore we have sought to widen participation and the opportunities, including clubs and competitions, offered to all our children.
Both 2020 and 2021 have been a little trickier for all schools but despite the global pandemic, the school the school successfully ran KS1 and KS2 Sports Days in addition to a hugely successful sports week experience programme for the whole school in the Summer term.
To find out more about the use and impact of our PE and Sport Premium funding at Richard Avenue, please read our current Expenditure Plan:
Historical Reports
You can view our Sports Funding Reports for previous academic years: