News from the School
The school performed various Christmas Productions and Choir Services over our 2023 Christmas term.
The children both delighted staff and parents who attended with their brilliant singing and festive spirit.
Please lookout for links to the photos albums via Seesaw.
Mrs Walsh and I were incredibly proud of our choir who sang with confidence at the local Sainsbury’s last week.
We walked there and back, and, in spite of the rain, the children were in good spirits and lovely company as we chatted together. We sang a number of carols and were supported by some of our families which was a welcome sight, as well as by a large number of shoppers who commented with delight that we had made their day.
It was a wonderful morning, with a huge thank you to Mrs Walsh for preparing the children so well, and for all she does across our school to support and encourage singing confidence.
Thank you Mrs Walsh, you are wonderful!
We would like to say a huge thank you for your generous food donations on our Santa dash day.
The children had lots of fun running around the track with Santa and his sleigh on the day. Your food donations have been taken to the Sunderland Foodbank, who would also like to share their gratitude. This is such a worthwhile cause in our community and your support is very much appreciated.
Huge thanks also to our wonderful Mr Spoors who merrily donned the all important red suit for the day, and did a fabulous job Santa dashing with every class. Mr Spoors wore the biggest smile as he supported and encouraged the children at every point.
Here is a link to the Sunderland echo including a video with Mr Spoors and Miss Mckinney.
Thank you Mr Spoors!
Children who completed their PE values chart this term enjoyed a visit to Silksworth Ski Slope last week where they took part in a morning’s snow tubing, followed by a yummy hot chocolate with Santa Claus.
Our PE values are: passion, self-belief, determination, respect, honesty, and teamwork.
Everyone loved flying down the slopes in their tubes showing great resilience and determination to keep going as many times as possible. A wonderful experience for our children with huge thanks to Mr Spoors for all he did to organise the morning and to Miss Walker for joining the team on the visit.
A fabulous time was enjoyed by all with lots of glowing cheeks to be seen on their return!
In this week’s Friday Flyer, we’ve got news about some upcoming Christmas activities, including our ever popular Santa Dash and Laps to Lapland. Last week our school was represented in an Anti-bullying Conference, you can read Luca’s account of the day. We’ve also got plenty of photos of our new early years outdoor area, which is very exciting. All this and much more. Happy reading!
In this week’s Friday Flyer, we welcome to school Lucy Johnson, who is joining our marvellous office staff. We’ve got information about our upcoming poppy and Children in Need appeals and how you can help us and the children raise money for these two charities. There’s also a reminder about this years parents evening. All this and much more. Happy reading!
As you are aware, our school has recently been the subject of an Ofsted Inspection. The full report has now been published and we are pleased to attach a copy to our Ofsted and Performance Page for reading. The Ofsted Inspection confirms Richard Avenue to be a Good School in all respects. The following comment illustrates the high esteem in which the school is held:
“Pupils in this school treat each other with kindness and respect. They learn and play happily together. Staff show a genuine care for pupils. They know the pupils well and work with families to meet pupils’ needs. This is a welcoming and inclusive school with a true community spirit.”
We are delighted with the report and very proud of the children who behave extremely well and show sensitivity to the needs of others, the staff who provide pupils with a high-quality education, showing good subject knowledge, revisiting what pupils have learned before and build on this learning. The school has high expectations for pupils’ achievement. These expectations inform a curriculum which provides pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Pupils leave the school well-prepared for secondary education. They work hard, show resilience and achieve well.
School leaders and governors share a vision of helping pupils realise their potential. They have developed strong, trusting relationships with parents and carers and the local community. The school has created an open and inclusive culture in which staff feel highly valued. Staff enjoy working here. They work in collaboration with each other for the good of the pupils.
Thank you everyone for your valued support which has contributed to this very successful result.
Claire McKinney
In this week’s Friday Flyer, we’ve got news of some upcoming spooky halloween discos. We’ve again achieved in PE with awards for both the school and the staff. Also this week the children have been out and about, as well as having some exciting visitors into school. All this and much more. Happy reading!