Mathematics at Richard Avenue

At Richard Avenue Primary School, we intend to provide a curriculum that allows all children to become confident, successful and resilient mathematicians who are well equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.

Our approach aims to provide all children with opportunities to explore, reason and investigate in order that they develop a strong conceptual understanding of number, which can be applied to more sophisticated problem solving. Our curriculum is designed to meet the aims of the National Curriculum by ensuring that all children develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills by using a wide range of resources that meet the needs of individual pupils and offer challenge for all.

Our mastery approach to mathematical development is consistent in approach and ensures that children build upon core knowledge and skills effectively and in logical sequence. Mathematical discussion is a key element of lessons throughout school and pupils are encouraged to use accurate mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings.

If you have any questions about our maths curriculum, please contact us. Our maths curriculum team are:

  • Mrs Waller (EYFS and Maths lead)
  • Mrs Robson (Y1 teacher, AHT and Maths lead)
  • Miss Walker (Y6 teacher and DHT)

Multiplication Times Tables Check

In Year 4, all children across the nation will be participating in the multiplication tables check in June. It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics.

Please click here to read the information for parents document .

Formal Written Method Videos

Below are videos which demonstrate the formal written methods to calculate the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Column Addition

Addition without regrouping: 0:00 – 0:35
Addition with regrouping: 0:35 – 1:22
Adding more than 2 numbers: 1:22 – 2:18
Adding decimals: 2:18 – 3:20

Column Subtraction

Subtract without regrouping: 0:00 – 0:32
Subtract with regrouping: 0:32 – 1:22
Subtraction with a zero: 1:22 – 2:15
Subtract decimals: 2:15 – 3:28

Short & Long Multiplication

Multiply with Grid Method: 0:00 – 0:36
Multiply with Expanded Method: 0:36-1:22
Short Multiplication: 1:22 – 1:57
Long Multiplication: 1:57 – 3:39

Short & Long Division

Short Division (Bus Stop): 0:00 – 1:10
Short Division with remainder: 1:10 – 2:22
Short Division with decimal remainder: 2:22 – 3:10
Long Division without remainder: 3:10 – 5:20
Long Division with remainder: 5:20 – 7:23


Currently in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, these classes are participating in the ‘Mastering Number’ programme. This is 10 minutes of a ‘whole class intervention’ focusing on number each day. Mastering Number has been designed to develop pupils’ fluency and understanding of number to build firm foundations for future success in mathematics learning. This programme develops solid number sense, including fluency and flexibility with number facts. One of the main representations in the Mastering Number programme is Rekenreks.

The video below shows how to use Rekenreks from how to introduce Rekenreks right up to how we can multiply and divide with them.

Useful documents

Please find school documents relating to our maths curriculum below: